Video & Phone Consultations

How It Works

If you’re suffering hip or knee pain and want to see a specialist  but don’t want to leave your home, we can arrange a consultation by phone or video. 

Are you insured?

Your insurance provider will be able to authorise a video or telephone consultation. 

Insured or paying privately

Call or email us




Requirements for a video consultation?

  1. Access to a camera on your phone, tablet or PC
  2. Skype or Zoom (apps or download on your browser)

Altenatively we can arrange a telephone consultation.

What happens next?

The role of the consultation is to gain more information about your symptoms and to formulate a plan on how best to treat you. You may require further investigations such as x-rays or scans which can be organised. You will always be seen and physically examined prior to any proposed surgery.

Video Consultation Downloads